Our Design Process

Progressing through each step transforms very general information into a specific design for your project. It's important to understand each step of the process as each affords its own opportunities. For example, during schematic design, you may request that noise from the kitchen not disturb you in your bedroom. To solve this problem, the architect may locate the bedroom away from the kitchen. If you wait to communicate the same request during construction documents, or even during the actual construction of the project, the solution may be to install an ultra quiet dishwasher and more sound insulation if the bedroom was located adjacent to the kitchen. We’ll be here to guide you every step of the way.


Schematic Design

The initial phase begins with collecting data for your project. Together, we arrive at a program of spaces, confirm codes and ordinances that may affect your project, obtain and review site information such as utility locations, soil stability, slopes, and views. We would measure and document the existing structure in a remodel or renovation project.

After collecting pertinent information about your project, we will work on the initial design of your project by preparing sketches. We'll provide two or three alternatives that make the most sense to discuss with you. Then, we’ll work together to prioritize different aspects of the design to arrive at a scope of work and budget that match before moving to the next step.


Design Development

This phase transforms the sketches developed in Schematic Design into a more specific design proposal. Typically this involves drafting plans, sections, and elevations and developing 3D sketches and animated walk-throughs of the project. The drawings will also address basic structural, mechanical and electrical systems. We'll review with you choices for finishes and products, such as siding, windows, doors, countertops, cabinets, etc.

We may discuss how portions of the design can be altered or phased in the event actual costs are greater than estimates. At the end of this phase, you'll have a good idea of what the final project will look and feel like.


Contract Documents

We’ll develop documents that will be used to obtain necessary building permits. These drawings and specifications will be used by contractors for pricing and ultimately to construct your project. During this phase, our time will be spent preparing the documents that clearly describe the work.

Not all this information is required to obtain a building permit. Interior elevations, details, and specifications are needed to communicate the project's complete requirements to the contractor, and to fully communicate design intent.


Bidding & Negotiation

We assist you in finding contractors to work with and obtain bids from. We will provide written instructions to bidders, bid forms, and documentation of the results. When you've selected a contractor, we'll help you prepare a contract for construction.

GNA has seasoned relationships with several contractors in the Seattle area. We believe construction projects should be enjoyable for owner, contractor(s), and the architect alike, so we happily accept the challenge of enabling and facilitating this experience. We know and understand the contractor's point of view and are able to use this understanding to establish a good working rapport while advocating the highest quality results for the homeowners.


Contract Administration

During the construction of your project, we offer ongoing interpretation of the Contract Documents in order to achieve the best possible results. If products specified are not available, we recommend substitutions or adapt the design to fit a new product.

Sometimes when actual conditions are revealed during construction, adjustments to the design are necessary. If a difference in opinion between owner and contractor arises, we attempt to resolve the disagreement. We make periodic visits to the construction site to check on the progress of the work and endeavor to guard you against defects and deficiencies in the work. We review and make recommendations regarding the contractor's submittals (such as shop drawings, samples, and requests for substitutions), and prepare Change Orders and other documentation of decisions made during the construction.

Let’s work together.